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12 spring quasars from S&T


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Here's a link to an article and a list of 12 quasars that are currently visible.     I just observed 3C-273 for the first time about a week ago and was looking for others to find then this just comes out.   What luck.   Seven of them are mag 14.1 or under so these seem to be do-able.    The furthest is HS 0624+6907 mag 14.0 in Camelopardalis 4.56 billion light years.   That's probably the farthest thing I'll ever be able to see with my Z10.   The light from that is from back when our solar system was forming.   Pretty amazing.

Anyway, here's the link https://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/12-quasars-for-spring-evenings/



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I’ll have to give that one a try.    I’ll probably need a darker site.    If I’m able to see that, I may be able to see Pluto in Sagittarius.   That is about mag 14.3 but it’s low on the horizon.    Not too far from Barnards galaxy


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I've got those quasars the set up in sky safari and hope to bag some of them.

Another one to mention is BL Lacerta which was a blazar I read about even before I started observing. It's variable from mag 14 to mag 17 and is named like a variable star because that's what it was thought to be at first. At its brightest it should be doable.

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