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Teleportation, Would you go through?

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give my best wishes to your mum,i go to a day hospice once a week and all the people on chemo and radiotherapy are doing great,theres only me who has got a stupid rare cancer that treatment wont work on called G I ST to keep this post on track so it don't get deleted your mum can go in the TELEPORTAION chamber before me..........peace and love ........kev

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Best Wishes Kev - you know that anyway becuase we have been chatting for a few months and I have know for longer than most...

Also best wishes to your Mum and you as well Becky as it must be a difficult time for you all...

A nasty accident or serious illness makes you realise that living for today isn't such a bad thing after all...


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Where would be the first destination you would transport to?

When I was a kid, I thought that the vaults of the bamk of England would be a good place to start :clouds1:

Kev, Respect to you sir, your attitude is fantastic :):D:p



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Thank you Rob,if every one treats it with my sort of attitude i feel im on top of it and in charge,i don't want sympathy or pussyfooting im unoffendable.bank of england sounds good to me, with big pockets i would have to take some souverniers i like to collect small prints of the queen then exchange them for prezzies kev :thumbright:

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hello all,

just read this tonight and firstly i would like to wish kev, and becky's mum all the best.

Rob, destinations, hmmm, dark skies, would mean that you could have a remote observatory that you could use every night :)

getting to work/uni/home would be good too

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