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eq5 130pds mono cam


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Hi guys have recently got new scope and mount eq5 130pds and looking at purchasing camera .was thinking going mono and getting filters but I think I may be running into trouble with distance need to focus ( focus tube into main tube) and was wondering has anyone had issues with this ?. I have seen somewhere someone cutting the focus tube down .any tips or advice much appreciated.


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33 minutes ago, Fieldsy said:

Hi guys have recently got new scope and mount eq5 130pds and looking at purchasing camera .was thinking going mono and getting filters but I think I may be running into trouble with distance need to focus ( focus tube into main tube) and was wondering has anyone had issues with this ?. I have seen somewhere someone cutting the focus tube down .any tips or advice much appreciated.


You should not have any issue with focusing a 130PDS at prime focus so long as the coma corrector you are using does not change the focus position, they usually say if they do in the specifications and most of the ones you might chose will not change the focus position. 

The reason that people cut the tube down is not to reach focus, its to prevent the tube sticking into the light path when in focus and causing some mild diffraction effects. 

I use the ASI1600mm pro on my 130PDS with a MPCC Mk3 and that works well. However the small pixels do make it hard to get perfectly corrected stars in the corners at the native resolution. 


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Thanks for the reply nice cam I was looking at the asi290mm/174mm but then the altair183c as a alternative if the filter wheel was going to be a issue. I got the scope and mountvwithout mrs knowing not sure I could stretch it to another 1.2k for the asi1600mm lol

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18 minutes ago, Fieldsy said:

Thanks for the reply nice cam I was looking at the asi290mm but then the altair183c as a alternative if the filter wheel was going to be a issue. I got the scope and mountvwithout mrs knowing not sure I could stretch it to another 12k for the asi1600mm lol

The ASI290mm would be a fantastic choice with the 130PDS for galaxy imaging / planetary nebulas using short high gain exposures, no good for wide field nebula imaging though.

Just so long as you can find your target on that small sensor.

Personally I would not look at the 183c I dont rate it as a color sensor especially the uncooled version, you are vastly better off with a ASI294mc pro. I would always go mono if you can afford it.



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Actually I am not 100% sure that a ASI290mm would need a coma corrector as the sensor is so small. It may be worth trying it and seeing if you are suffering from coma before taking the plunge and buying a corrector.

If you do need a corrector then the Baader MPCC MKIII is a good place to start.

The other sensor to consider that might be in your price range is the ASI178mm cool.

@Uranium235 has been using it. He may also be able to comment on the 290MM on the 130PDS and if a CC is required.

The 290MM is the more sensitive camera by quite some margin over the 178mm but the 178mm is a larger sensor.

If not cooled and for short exposure galaxy imaging then the 290mm is most likely the best bet.



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9 minutes ago, Adam J said:

Actually I am not 100% sure that a ASI290mm would need a coma corrector as the sensor is so small. It may be worth trying it and seeing if you are suffering from coma before taking the plunge and buying a corrector.

If you do need a corrector then the Baader MPCC MKIII is a good place to start.

The other sensor to consider that might be in your price range is the ASI178mm cool.

@Uranium235 has been using it. He may also be able to comment on the 290MM on the 130PDS and if a CC is required.

The 290MM is the more sensitive camera by quite some margin over the 178mm but the 178mm is a larger sensor.

If not cooled and for short exposure galaxy imaging then the 290mm is most likely the best bet.



Looking at getting the ASI290 MINI

There is also an APP called ASICAP

Was also looking at using the ASI290, to project onto tablet, using the APP, when  doing presentation schools and scouts group, for kids who mobility impared



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24 minutes ago, Fieldsy said:

I was looking at the cooled version £540 atm

Yes thats a very good price for the cooled model. Although I am not sure how much the cooling is required for the short exposure techniques it will make the camera more flexible.

I just want to be sure that you understand the implications of the small sensor? I.e that many large or even medium sized targets are going to be too big to image with this sensor.

However, for all that the camera is extremely sensitive and low read noise / small pixels. What that means is that it is an extremely good sensor for galaxies of about M101 size and smaller that will fit in the FOV of the sensor. You will be able to get high resolution images with the 130PDS 0.9 arcseconds per pixel and use very short exposures to get under the seeing. ~5seconds or even less at high gain, using 1000's of subs.

If you dont want to specialize so much and want to be able to do some wider field work with the 130PDS then you will need a larger and more expensive sensor that while not so good at smaller galaxies as the 290mm will be more general use. If this is the case then the cheapest camera I can recommend to you is the Altair Hypercam 183mono.


but realistically you might want to spend more and get the cooled version.

If you are just starting out you might also consider a modified DSLR camera while learning the ropes and get a mono when you can afford a larger sensor.

Like I say, I dont want to discourage you from the 290mm.....its a great camera....if your interest is smaller Galaxy imaging with a moderate scope and sometimes its better to be the best at one thing than it is to be average at all tasks.




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4 hours ago, Fieldsy said:

So I ended up

Altair Hypercam 183M Pro Cooled Mono 20mp Astronomy Camera

I know it's not the pro tech but still has good reviews .??I can get to grips with it

You will need a coma corrector with a sensor the size of a 183M. 

Also have a chat with @jjosefsen, he has been posting on the 130PDS thread here:


He is currently using that camera with the 130PDS and has posted some nice images using it. He may be able to advise you on settings and calibration techniques I would think. 

In terms of cooling, yes you would have been better off with the TEC version but its not the end of the world with this sensor either as its dark current is low. 

I would say it will struggle on hot summer nights, but then most astronomy is done when the nights are darker. You will also have to take calibration (Dark frames) on the same night as your light frames. 


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6 minutes ago, Fieldsy said:

Having second thoughts on cost atm as have spent loads in the last week and now I need a new scope for guiding ? does it ever end ? ?

Honestly no it never ends. 

There is always something that will make your imaging better and there really is no top end to amature astronomy equipment, you can essentially pay whatever you want and someone will still be able to sell you something better. 

Do you not currently have any guiding equipment (camera or scope?) 


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5 hours ago, Fieldsy said:

I started this month with 130p supatrack with qhy ii. I now own eq5 goto 130pds a few more eye pieces a couple of flight cases and a dwindling savings acc. ?

I was just on facebook and altair astro have a Ex Display Hypercam 183m listed:


Secondhand Astronomy Equipment Group.

Says to e-mail: Info@altairastro.com 

for the price and availability.

Looks like the older V2 model as opposed to the pro....but it wont make much difference.



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