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Star Adventurer Photography

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Hello all, last night I was marveling at photography some are doing with sky trackers like the Skywatcher Star Adventurer. I have the bug to get into it, i was looking up prices for this model, then, I realized I already have a GP Mount with tracking. My Mount is not Goto, basically a clutch I engage for tracking on one axis, I can achieve accurate polar alignment with the polar scope, enough to track for several minutes or longer using a polar alignment app to get Polaris bang on where it should be.

Asside from some of the extra features the star Adventurer has, I should be able to achieve basically the same results no?all I have to do is get my SLR which is an older Canon 5D full frame mounted to the GP Mount. My main lens is a Canon 24-70 “L” f2.8 constant, I’m wondering if this lens, although heavy, would be a good start? I know I’ll need a more powerful lens also like a 200mm for tighter shots of some objects but, for now I’ll have to stick with wide field only, feel free to weigh in and lend adviceif i don’t necessarily have to drop cash for a star Adventurer right away then bonus for me.

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