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Bresser focuser fix

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I wonder if anyone might help solve a problem with a Bresser hexafoc unit that I’ve just received. Turning the focus knobs does nothing and upon disassembly I note that the rack has retreated up the barrel so far that it is disengaged from the pinion. I’ve undone every screw but can’t get the focussing tube to move at all so cant reengage the rack with the pinion. I attach some pictures; any ideas on how to fix this?


with many thanks





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Is this on a new telescope or second hand? If it is new just send/take it back and get it replaced. In fact even second hand you could ask for your money back as the chance of it breaking the first time you use it is very slim (assuming this is what happened).

If you really do have to fix it then look at it from the other end to the one shown in your photos. It looks to me like you've still got the 2" eyepiece clamp attached. If you've removed the grubscrew locking it to the thread then it will unscrew and this might free the "hex" section of the drawtube. Once you've got that off the plastic ring at the top of the focuser can also be removed. Also, have a look for any small screws on the inside of the drawtube. From memory I think there is an obvious small screw at the bottom of the drawtube that prevents it from being drawn too far up the focuser, so there is probably one at the top end too.

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