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EQASCOM Help Needed


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I am trying to set the Park position of my EQ8 mount using EQASCOM and I need some help to understand how to use the EQASCOM controls. There is a YouTube video by Chris Shillito on Defining Parks/Unparks but it doesn't have any audio - at least as far as I can tell. All the other EQASCOM videos have a soundtrack, just not this one.

What I have done so far is:

A good polar alignment using Sharpcap.

Loosened the clutches and set the OTA to point at the NCP as accurately as I can. It won't be very far off.

Now, when I start EQASCOM using the EQASCOM toolbox everything connects as it should and the mount shows as PARKED. It also shows an Azimuth position of 04.00.10 and a DEC of +87.28.

What I want to do is to change these numbers so that the Az is 0 degrees and the DEC is 90 degrees then confirm this as the 'Normal' park position for the mount.

I have fiddled about with the Park/Unpark controls in the expanded EQASCOM UI but to no avail! I can't find a way to reset the reported mount position to Az zero and DEC 90 degrees.

I need to do this so I can then sync my dome movements with the scope. At the moment although the dome does follow the scope around, the scope always ends up pointing at the very edge of the shutter.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.




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You can 'Park at current position' instead of 'Home' if that's what you want (I often do that - it keeps the relative position after platesolving :) ). Just select from the Park drop down.


Edit: normal home is the lat/long you entered for location and matches that in Stellarium (or other planetarium software)

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