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Sky-watcher 9x50 Finder Mod.

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Was looking  and observing  today on just how pants my weather is, been raining  most of my day,  and I want to get the scope out. I've even seen a Star through the smallest gap  in tonights cloud, so the intention is there, but not the effort.

Aside that, I was also wondering if it would be  just a simple task to take the right angled eyepiece of my 8x50 Revelation RACI and simply swap it for the eyepiece on the standard 9x50.

Out came the scope, and due to my belt & braces policy, not only are things stuck and clamped, but tie-wrapped too, so in order to reduce the workload ( cutting ) I would use the existing bracket, so off came the RACI EP, off  came the 9x50 EP,  only to find things a little tighter in the threaded department?

Out comes the  9x50 finder, a few more turns, but no, just too tight, then the obvious?.....the 9x50 is about 1/3 longer than the 8x50, so there's going to be a focussing issue! and the thread is  just too tight, potentially damaging .........it  just ain't gonna work!

I enjoyed the thought process, passing the time of day, but  you wont know until you try these things yourself. So no, not a simple swap.

So now I have the 8x50 RACI fully installed, just waiting for the gap!

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In and out  like a cuckoo clock, trying to find that elusive gap.
Managed one Star and the Moon disappeared 30 mins ago,  but luckily just pulled the scope in as it's about to ra again.

Strange after all these Years seeing the Moon the right way up! and its a pity my first plan did not work, as the  Revelation finder scope is just a tad too short, meaning I could quite easily strike  the left side of my head on an eyepiece as I lean  over to look through the RACI.

Just might go back to the 9x50, both eyes open! which seems so natural, as I've been doing it this way since the scope arrived, but I'll have one more go another night.

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