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Travel Scope 70 pros & cons

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I recently purchased the Travel Scope 70 to use for casual observation and can transport easily.

The word casual is the Key here, If you are looking for a scope that can be carried around and assembled very quickly this is perfect

especially if you are new to Astrological observation its a great first scope. with a 70mm aperture and 2 optical lenses included 10mm & 20mm

plus the tripod you cant go too wrong and with a low price tag of £60 depending were purchased from it is a fantastic to start off with.

However as I said it is only really good for Casual observation of the stars and planets, failing to provide great detail as you would get with more powerful scopes.

If you want a simple scope and easy to move around this is a great scope, however if you really want to see celestial objects in detail you should look at something more powerful.


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Hello and welcome to the forum.

Thanks for your thoughts on the Travel Scope 70.  I'm sure you meant astronomical observation rather than astrological :smiley:

Have you compared it and how it performs with any other scopes as a matter of interest ?


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Welcome to SGL.

I’ve got a Celestron Travel 70 on top of my 16” Dob. Paired with TV Plossls, I was pleasantly surprised by what could be seen. I haven’t used it for high power, but that isn’t its thing. For wizzing around, enjoying some wide fields or locating the brighter Messiers, at about £50, it makes me smile. ?. Sometimes it serves as a spotting scope the admire the birds in the garden. You can’t do that with a little Dob.



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You can get a lot more out of it with a proper star-diagonal...


The port of a star-diagonal is much larger than that of the Amici-diagonal that came with your kit...


Let the light shine through...


A 32mm Plossl would allow for the lowest and binocular-like power of 12.5x...


...the included 20mm modified-achromat: 20x.

As always, those are merely suggestions.

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