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First Session of the Winter


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Our astro group just had its first observing session of the season. We drove out to a darksite an hour's drive out of the city, choosen a few weeks earlier.

Clear sky as far as the eye could see :)

I saw the milkyway for the first time in years, had a good look at the galaxy Andromeda which was so much bigger and brighter than it had been in my suburban garden. Saw around four shooting stars, and had a look as always to the Seven Sisters. We spent more time just looking up in wonder than we did looking through our scopes.

Well worth the long drive after a long day at work. :)

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it really is worth the effort to find a darksite! We met up one Sunday weeks ago and went for a drive around the countryside stopping at little carparks we'd all driven past at some point but never took any notice of before. We eventually found the perfect one... Big enough for about 6 cars and right beside a small beach. As I said above, it was the first time I got to see the milkyway in years!

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