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Whilst imaging...

Whistlin Bob

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Got out on Monday night to try out a 2nd hand Canon 600d that I've recently had modd'ed. Whilst the imaging rig was doing its stuff I went for some instant gratification with the Dob (14" Orion USA). We've recently had our streetlights replaced with taller, brighter LED lights and this has really messed up my imaging- rendering my SW Light Pollution Filter useless (although an IDAS D2 filter seems to be helping). But whilst it has hurt the imaging it seems to be better for the visual. At a Rosliston AG meeting a while back there was discussion of how counting stars in Pegasus would give you a good indication of your light pollution levels. I went home and found I had a depressing big fat zero. Although the new lights are brighter, they are better directed and I can now see 3 or 4 (faint) stars. This realisation was a good start to an enjoyable session exploring some objects I'm not familiar with. Transparency seemed pretty good, and I doubt there'll be another session this year where it's too warm for a jacket. From the observing log:

M71 - Struggled to get my eye in to start with and I found it tricky to locate, but satisfying once in.
M15 - Really bright central core and with a ring of resolved stars around it covering around a quarter of the eyepiece at 220x
M2 - Was tighter and not quite so bright or widespread but still a nice view
M52 - Gorgeous open cluster- 30-40 bright stars and many much fainter ones. Tried it at 220x, 70x and 45x and the middle magnification was the best- really filling the view. Highlight of the night.
NGC7789 - Caroline's Rose - Another nice open cluster- but quite faint, and I couldn't really see the rose. Maybe it's like one of those Magic Eye pictures.
M103 - A nice triangular shaped with a lovely red quite central in the Eyepiece.

Monday night's a bit early in the working week to stay up late, and the only downer was packing up as the skies were getting better still. At least I was heading to bed with a full memory card ready for the clouds and rain that have dominated the remainder of the week...


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