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Single shot of Ribblehead Viaduct at night

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A few days ago I did a 12 hour day to night to day time lapse at Ribblehead Viaduct in the Yorkshire Dales, in all I took 1,830 images. Below is one of the images which I've processed separately in Lightroom and Photoshop to show some of the clear sky and Milky Way showing through the clouds at the Viaduct. The exposure for this particular image was 20 seconds at f1.4 and ISO 6400 with my Sony A7Sii and Samyang 24mm f1.4
This image was taken at 11:48pm and is image number 772 out of the 1,830 that I took

The full video can be seen at the following link and this image comes just before half way of the actual time lapse clip

Ribblehead Holy Grail single-1.jpg

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11 minutes ago, Craney said:

Nice image.     Is that light pollution from the metropolis of Ingleton !!!

Yes, I suspect it is, it's not visible to the naked eye though, but i feel it adds something to the overall atmosphere of the image

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