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Small scope doubles and doodles


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The darkness is returning and the first view of the Pleiades this year signals the coming of Autumn and indeed there was a pleasant chill in the air. Not quite woolly hat weather yet though! 

A combined, but still brief, report of a couple of recent short sessions with the 72ED which continues to delight.

An attractive M13; Subtly but extensively mottled. The Ring Nebula, small but beautifully formed. Looks rather like a Polo in this scope! M31 and 32. The Double Cluster a treat in such a wide field scope.

And some lovely doubles too, including Achird, Miram and those sketched below. I feel like I should sketch more; Not sure why I don’t. Studying the colours of Almach makes me realise it was a little subdued in the small scope compared to the dob which I suppose isn’t a big surprise. Still a cracking sight though!

Hope everyone else is getting some great views too!







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Great @Size9Hex!!!  I got that feeling too last night looking at the Pleiades.  What grabbed me also was rising Orion and how red Betelgeuse grew as it gained height. There was a chill and a lot of dew by morning!

Lovely sketch of Almach’s colors. I should get another look very soon as I was on a doubles tour last night.   Clear skies!

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Thanks @Paz ! These are digital sketches rather than pencil/paper, although I always (I hope) stick to "fair" traditional techniques rather than digital trickery. That said, being able to draw light colours directly onto a black background is not all that traditional I guess, but great for astro sketches. I use Procreate on iOS.

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2 hours ago, Special K said:

Great @Size9Hex!!!  I got that feeling too last night looking at the Pleiades.  What grabbed me also was rising Orion and how red Betelgeuse grew as it gained height. There was a chill and a lot of dew by morning!

Lovely sketch of Almach’s colors. I should get another look very soon as I was on a doubles tour last night.   Clear skies!

Crikey, I can’t quite believe Orion is coming round again, but I guess it’s not far behind Taurus! Seems odd with the Summer Milky Way still up there! Might be another month or too before I can stay awake late enough for a view of it!

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2 hours ago, Size9Hex said:

Thanks @Paz ! These are digital sketches rather than pencil/paper, although I always (I hope) stick to "fair" traditional techniques rather than digital trickery. That said, being able to draw light colours directly onto a black background is not all that traditional I guess, but great for astro sketches. I use Procreate on iOS.

My first attempts at sketching were using colored pencils on black paper but I found the whites were to difficult to draw and it was easier to use black on white pare and then invert the colors.  

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