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did I see Neptune?


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well, I think (pretty sure) I was looking in the right place at 133x through a 6" newt. I saw what looked very like a star - it might have been slightly bluish and it might have been a (very) tiny disc and it might have scintillated a touch less than comparable mag stars but after looking at it for the best part of half an hour I can't be sure :scratch: . So my question is, what does neptune look like at that mag? is it obviously "planetlike" or not really?



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It's very hard to distinguish from a star. I did by printing out a very small scale map of the area with my finder and ep views from CDC, to make sure I had the right one. It looked more greenish to me. We thought we saw it last spring in a 12" dob, but couldn't confirm it with the charts we had. It still looked like a star.

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thanks guys - Gaz - it may have it looked bluish and disclike because I knew it "should" look bluish and disclike.... :)

Warthog, on the basis of your comments I am satisifed that as I was not obviously not looking at it (ie it might have been it) and I'm pretty sure I was in the right place then I probably was looking at it....

so how about pluto..........? :shock:


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