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At least it remained dry!


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Last night about  2250 BST I saw some Stars from my garden, and what appeared to be a line break in the clouds to my West, but very poor to the South.
I had a quick look on the web for some satellite  Infra Red images, which showed  the same, very distinct and sharp line of weather, maybe giving me  a few hours yet?

Out came the new screen, quickly assembled and noted  to myself that the height of the fence may be an issue tonight, considering where my target was going to be, so may need to jack the scope up a little, but not too high, I don't want to stand?

I placed the scope within the confines of the screen, removed the dust cover, leaving the scope at about 45° to prevent any ingress?

Went back inside, sat down, near the TV and Mrs 'C' said I went out like a light bulb about 3 mins after being seated. Un-aware that I wanted to observe, she powered down the TV, left the light on full dim, and left me too it?

At least it remained dry!

I woke at 0450, completely missing any opportunity to observe anything at all, although I was particularly interested in just observing M51 and M101, which to-date, I don't ever recall  having clearly observed them from my garden, although I'm sure with averted vision M51 was there in my 15x70's last week, but the scope would have confirmed that on the night if it had been setup!

Must have been all that fresh air that made me tired during the latter half of the afternoon whilst out looking for Trout?

There'll be another night, and this Summers  twilight will soon fade, drawing to an end,  providing me with the longer and colder nights, which is  far better suited for astronomy.

Now I just need for the jet stream to stay away, and the need to rid my local street lights?  Can't ask for any more than that!


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