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More detailed requirements and first scope options

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14 hours ago, MSammon said:

I’ve heard somebody regret a mak for a first scope because the focul width was so narrow they couldn’t find anything?

But the lunar & planetary views make up for it. Plus they make excellent terrestrial spotting 'scopes too! :thumbsup:


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21 minutes ago, MSammon said:

Why not just take a dob to maximum magnification? Do the mak lenses and mirrors give a better view or something?

I've owned mak's, newtonians, rerfactors and SCT's and a couple of other designs over the years. They all have something to offer if well executed but each design has it's drawbacks too. Thats why many astronomers end up with more than one scope !

The amount of magnification you use is limited often by the seeing conditions. Much astro viewing is done at low to medium power but the planets, the moon and double stars do benefit from higher magnifications to get the image scale in the eyepiece up to a point where detail can be made out. Too much though and the contrast and detail ebb away leaving a highly magnified but bland and fuzzy image. This applies to all the scope designs.

The danger for the newcomer is that they get struck by "paralysis by analysis" with the amount of choice available and the varied advice that is given, in very good faith I should add :smiley:

I think what goes through the mind is that you want to get this purchase "right" and not feel regrets or the need to change / upgrade for a while afterwards. Most of the scopes discussed will give good service and provide a lot of enjoyment but none will be perfect in every respect. Once you realise that, perhaps it becomes a little easier to go for something and get into the hobby a bit more ?

The quality of scopes available these days is generally pretty good as well. Skywatcher, Celestron, Meade, Bresser, Explore Scientific etc all produce good quality scopes at prices that would have been unheard of a decade or two ago.



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Thanks. I think I’m going to buy either one of those refractors or the 130p or soon enough even both so I can find out for myself. Been looking with my eyes but I have 10x50 binoculars arriving this week. I have also arranging meeting two local Astro clubs. One this week and one next week so I’m going to take my time and see. 

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Astro clubs and societies can be very useful to help in decision making. My own (Bristol AS) run regular outreach events and scope clinics to give folks some hands on experience and one to one guidance. Too many scopes end up gathering dust rather than photons because of the lack of helping hands in the early stages.

Have a lot of fun with whatever you get and be sure to let us know how you are getting on :icon_biggrin:

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