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Orion Starshoot 6.1mp camera....


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I've just seen this little fella advertised in a US magazine.



The price in $$$ looks a lot more attractive than the price in £££. (£750)

Anybody know of any feedback about this camera? Which other cameras use the same chip?

Not that i'm thinking of getting one you understand..................

The intriguing thing as far as I am concerned is the 16bit images. From my DSLRs the images (I think) are 12 bit.

How would the difference manifest itself?



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on paper it is the buy of the year however it looks to good to be true!

The extra 2 bit will give you 4 times the dynamic range of your DSLR and on things like Orion this will allow you to be a good signal all the way from the core out, While not having the brighter bits over exposed.

i don't know much else about the camera and i could not say that i know any other chips that are similar.


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Looks like the same size chip as the qhy8, same physical size plus 7.8um x 7.8um pixels, sony chip.

I dont know enough anything about these things to know the difference. Anybody?



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