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The Pleiades (M45)


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Another one taken at Kelling Heath autumn star party. In response to a question I was asked, I should perhaps point out that barring two images (M16 & IC1396) all of the images I took at Kelling Heath were taken during the four day star party. In fact, as the saturday night I was without a laptop, it was really 3 nights. It really was a productive session.

I didn't want to spend too long on this one, so this is just 12 x 360 secs @ iso 800, Canon 400D, on the back of a WO72. I only wish I had gotten the focal reducer BEFORE going, as it would have made a world of difference to a lot of these pics.

I was surprised during processing to see some faint nebulosity towards the edges of the picture, perhaps not enough stars to light it up as the main section? Anyways I have tried to emphasise this as far as possible. It really is a dusty old patch of sky! Hope the jpeg shows it, I used 2x drizzle on this photo and the original is Huuuuuuuuge!

Thanks for looking.



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