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Rima Hyginus and Rimae Triesnecker

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Rima Hyginus and Rimae Triesnecker
Rima, Rimae (Channel) or for some selenogistas Rille (narrow valley) - Fissure or lava channel that fully or partially collapsed.
Ex: Rima Hyginus. When viewed through a telescope at higher magnification of a 200mm or larger we see that Rima Hyginus presents a chain of craters on most of its length (easily visible in the photo).
The Rimae (plural rhyme) Triesnecker is composed of a dozen or more significant linear rilles (also perfectly cisíveis pictured) that intertwine to create the largest chain of valleys of the Moon, if they are placed one after the other would have an extension total around 1,000 km.
Some rilles are linear or curved, or failure caused by tension in the crust. Others are sinuous rilles and are credited to have been formed by fast-moving lava flow. Rilles winding stem from volcanic vents and ramps collapsed.
Source: Guide to Lunar Observation-Rosely Gregio REA / Brazil
Adapação: Avani Soares


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