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Windows 10 Pro, Atik 414ex and SGP problems

David Crane

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I have recently installed a Kodlix mini computer on top of my scope to reduce usb cable length and movement.

I have come across a problem with Windows 10 Pro which is pre-installed on the Kodlix and Main Sequence Pro/SGP and my Atik 414EX camera.

The camera doesn't always connect when I bring up SGP and connect the equipment in the sequence panel. The camera usb lead goes straight into a USB port, not via a hub and the cable is a high quality cable and 0.5 of a metre.

Sometimes it works three or four time from cold (everything off and rebooted) and then it doesn't for no apparent reason. All drivers are the latest both the core drivers and the ascom drivers.

The QHY5-ll camera connects ok each time.

I read somewhere that this is a Windows 10 issue and feel sure you must have come across this before. Can anyone help?

Kind regards


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Looking on the SGP forum - It seems that Atik disconnect issues have been solved with a full re-install. What wasn't clear was if that was a re-install of SGP only, or ASCOM drivers as well. Firstly I'd try it with Artemis and if it connects fine each time then a question on the SGP forum (if no one else here has the same problem and solved it) 

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When I had the 383 I had the exact problem after installing the latest Ascom platform and drivers.

I uninstalled the Atik drivers and the Ascom platform, re-installed the Ascom and then the Atik drivers and it was fine, but it did have me stumped for a while.

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