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ZWO New LRGB Filters Optimized for ASI1600

Wirral man

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Hi all i have the zwo filters which are optimized the asi1600mm which i have, but the stars seam to have halo effect and cant find any examples of other images with these used so im thinking about going down the baader route what is your thought on the zwo are they worth keeping and does anyone else use them thanks


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It could help if you added some images showing the issues you have. Side stepping the outcome of other comments from other members I would contact your vendor stating your issues as we have, in the past, issues with halo's from other suppliers. This resulted in the filters being replaced.


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17 minutes ago, sloz1664 said:

It could help if you added some images showing the issues you have. Side stepping the outcome of other comments from other members I would contact your vendor stating your issues as we have, in the past, issues with halo's from other suppliers. This resulted in the filters being replaced.


Steve i have heavily invested into my setup and regardless if they are faulty is not the issue when i first placed the order i googled these filters and there is hardly any info on them no samples or any concrete evidence but if you look up baader there are a wealth of stunning image's with the baader plus the price im a great believer of buy cheap buy twice the zwo set is £116 and the baader is around £200 therefore the price alone states something

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Halos can arise (and often do) from atmospheric haze, even when it isn't severe. Could it be that? Slight misting on optical surfaces can also cause them. If you get them when all is clear then I think you should indeed contact the vendor. The filter-induced halos I've seen tend to be hard-edged, sometimes with almost concentric rings. This is a filter-induced halo (or set of halos) from an Astronimik OIII filter.


Atmospheric halos don't look at all like this, they are just soft glows fading out to nothing at a distance from the star.


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well im going to put my hand up it was my fault due to poor focusing om my behalf i didnt correct the focus on each filter duh!! got that wrapped up in getting everything running for i forgot about the different focus points tell me these auto focusers like Pegasus etc if used with apt will auto focus just by reading what the camera sees and adjust each filter for you or is it as not simple as that? 

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Its also worth noting that the ASI1600mm pro will produce diffraction effects around stars all on its own, just in case you did not know about that issue. Beyond that filters should not really produce halos these days, I am using the really cheap Baader beginner LRGB set and I have no halos, so price is not a good indicator. 

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