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Star Adventurer 1/2 sidereal rate


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I'm considering a milky way nightscape with the above mount, dslr and 14mm prime lens.

As I can track the sky at sidereal, this will ultimately blur the landscape, so the obvious way round this is to layer the landscape from a separate static shot (with Sequator).

Turns out the S.A. has a 1/2 rate which I'm guessing may offer some use in this scenario, if the individual exposures are relatively short, combining both land and sky simultaneously. 

Has anyone had any first rate experience using this mode for the above?


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On 19/05/2018 at 20:05, happy-kat said:

Sequator will stack the sky and sort the foreground out all in one go. Not sure that there is any advantage to use half sidereal rate.


Ive no first hand knowledge to speak of (0.5x sidereal tracking) so i went route we both mentioned via Sequator. I'm not willing to risk ruining a decent night's imaging with tracking issues.

Time will tell how the stacking and processing turns out.


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