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Twilight Triumphs Over Enthusiasm

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I've been hopping with the frac recently, but the replacement GPS unit arrived so I wanted to get GoTo back in action for more speed and certainty.

Targets: multiple star systems in Cygnus, 5 planned, for starters.

3.30, sky looking quite good, got 8SE from shed and set off.  Sigma 2658 (SAO 032380), a triple, 6.8" and 31".  What a treat to get straight on target, with one faint companion easily seen at x56.  The other one showed up, very close, at x85 - AV helped, focus critical.

And that was it!  By about 4.00, there was little on show to the naked eye, and the birds had got up.  No matter - even short spells at the eyepiece are worthwhile!




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Glad you got the goto working again OK Doug. According to the FLO weather app then after tonight then full darkness will be absent now for a while, so double star observations are the way to go whilst this lasts, along with lunar and planetary observations. :) 

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I didn't know your goto was broken. That's why you were star-hopping before :happy11:. Still, your motivation to get up at 'em through this and at crazy times is inspirational. Just out of interest, have you always had strange sleep patterns or are you just incredibly diligent? 

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Thanks Dom - Yes, the GPS unit had failed, so I had to wait while it was returned to the agents - via the seller - and tested, then another wait for the replacement.  And Yes, I like a little hopping - especially with the very wide views - but GoTo does save time and lets you get to more targets.  (I could have used it without the GPS of course, but it's much easier with it - all you need do is align the 'scope with two stars.)

I don't tend to sleep right through, and since taking up astro of course, enthusiasm tempts me to go out if the skies are favourable!


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