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Starshoot autoguider question

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I want to autoguide and think that the starshoot autoguider could be the solution to my needs.

The question is would this auto giode on the HEQ5 with the synscan upgrade and would the Explorer 130 be able to achieve focus with the camera.

I intend to mount the 130 as the guidescope and use the 200 as the imaging scope.

I do have a modded Toucam, but find it a bit of a pain with the need for a parallel port etc.

One other thing, my laptop is only USB1 - would that be a problem.

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The starshoot autoguider is the same as the QHY5, isn't it? If so, it'll guide the HEQ5 just fine. However, it seems to me that an 8" Newtonian plus a 5" Newtonian is a big, big load for a HEQ5, mine was quite close to the limit (IMHO) with just an 8" f/4 Newt.

Dunno about the USB1 issue, sorry.

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