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NGC 7023


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This seasons weather made me go through most of my material again to see if I could be improve some of my previous editing.
Here is Iris nebula  as is caused by reflections from a magnitude 7 star
NGC 7023


Canon 750D Baader modified (Not in use any more due 7 not wanted lines)
Explorer 190MN pro FL=1000mm
15x120, 12x480 ISO 800


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2 hours ago, Ceph said:

This seasons weather made me go through most of my material again to see if I could be improve some of my previous editing.
Here is Iris nebula  as is caused by reflections from a magnitude 7 star
NGC 7023


Canon 750D Baader modified (Not in use any more due 7 not wanted lines)
Explorer 190MN pro FL=1000mm
15x120, 12x480 ISO 800


I really love this object, and you’ve done a great job with it. Lots of detail and great colour.

One question though - ISO 800? I’d have thought that would overexposed the bright stars. Why not go for ISO 100? It’s more of an academic question, since by the looks of it, you haven’t overexposed anything and the extra data really shines through in the detail.


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Thanks. yes, the pictures are like living documents, I keeps changing and changing, sometimes for the better sometimes not. Well it is just plain fun... mostly :)


Thank you, space sure holds a lot of beauty.
It seems like the little light pollution and and my Canon works best under ISO800. I have tested with ISO1600 but was to high for this location.
Been testing with ISO400 as well but to be honest I can't see any profit with ISO400, takes longer time and my pictures don't improve at all.
ISO800 seems to be working best for my equipment and position here to gather as much data as is necessary within reasonable time.

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