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Hi All,

Having succesfully found M13 and both the Ring and Dumbell Nebula I'm keen to find something else.

Are there any suggestions anyone can give for a Southern facing location? I do have Turn Left at Orion as a guide, but wondered if there are any particular objects you think might give this Rookie the wow factor!

I'm thinking of maybe taking my scope out this weekend (weather permitting) so it doesn't necessarily have to be Southern skies....

Cheers for all the help advice and encouragement so far lads.


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Hi Ya Spud,

Your doing really well so far, why not go for MARS this weekend it's quite high in the sky now around 1.30 and 3.30am or go for the perseus double cluster that's a wonderfull sight to behold...

James :)

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OK James you've convinced me. I have Friday off work so if the skies are clear I will be impatiently sitting by my scope until Mars wanders by.

This will be my first ever view of a planet in a scope so I am well excited. :)

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Hope you have a great view of mars Spud :) i reakon whilst waiting to view mars check out some double star's i think there in that book of your's matey. There quite easy and rewarding to view plus they learn you the constellation's too.

James :)

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Hi Spud.

Why not try M11 the Duck cluster in Scutum. Here a link to Ant's page on this DSO, complete with a very nice shot of it: http://anthony.bowskill.org.uk/m11.htm

How good is your southern horizon? If you can dip down to northern Sagittarius, you may find my all-time DSO M17, the Swan nebula. Again, here's a link to Ant's website - plus a piccy posted from mine. :)



Good luck!

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Roger that. My GF just said if you say Mars once more tonight I'll move there... Methinks I have the Astronomy bug!!!

:) My mrs get's it all the time Spud she just switch's her ears off now although i showed her the Perseus double cluster last nigh and i got a WOW so things are looking up :shock:

Andy lovely image that matey as are those of Ant's..


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Outstanding pic Andy. My view is a little obscured by trees lower down so I think I might have a crack at that this weekend.

I truly have the Mars bug at the mo and am looking up as much as I can on our Red neighbour.

I bought the scope to look at planets primarily but have been blown away by the DSO's I've seen so far. It's really odd thinking I've lived my whole life without seeing what's in space.

Just told my GF the last time I was this excited was when I first looked at the world that lives under the ocean. I'm now a Dive Master and have spent thousands on that hobby! I can't for the life of me understand why she frowned and shook her head! :)

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Good call Andy. M92 is really well placed right now. And you can't miss it, it's no worries even in binos on a good night. Find M13 first and then star hop from there. M92 is more tightly packed than M13.

Good luck with your next outing.


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Thanks Russ. I've just remembered - as I've been plugging Ant's website a bit in this thread, why not refer Spud to Ant's monthly sky chart as well on this forum? There is a list of DSO's of varying degrees of 'difficultness' shown there which you'll find by clicking on this link.

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