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TRAPPIST-1 Planets seem to have atmospheres and significant water


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Some superb research effort has put masses and consequently densities on the TRAPPIST-1 planets.


It had been widely thought that the planets would be stripped of atmospheres and water by the strong wind and radiation from their star, but these scientists give a strong indication that many of the planets must have very significant atmospheres and high levels of water.

Planet e seems most Earth like, with a similar irradiation and density and a reasonable 0.74g gravity. Planet h might be a little mini-Hoth, if it has held on to any atmosphere.

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To the HOTH system then chewy!

I really cannot wait till the James Webb telescope is launched next year, the TRAPPIST-1 system is slated to be one of the first priority targets for this miraculous marvel of engineering.

I have been closely following the development of the JWS telescope for years literally, this system is so promising for the possibility of life, all efforts should be geared towards its close study, could we possibly be alive at a more exciting time.

When i think to myself of the incredibly vast amount of deep time in which our universe has existed so far, we just happen to be alive at the exact sliver in time where we may have a good shot at proving that we are not alone, even if it was at the microbial level, far beneath the ice in Europa's oceans, it would be like we all won the greatest lottery we could ever ask for.

We will definable not be here to see the day when we can send a rover to the TRAPPIST system, but oh do i love to imagine and dream about even a tiny wiggling microbe in some pond on one of those planets, that kind of wonder

is what drives me to drag my scope out every chance i get. We share in the most exciting and nourishing hobby there could possibly be my friends, boy is this ever an exciting time to be alive!.

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10 hours ago, Ags said:

Some superb research effort has put masses and consequently densities on the TRAPPIST-1 planets.


Very interesting, thank you.

When I saw the topic title I thought perhaps spectroscopic or some such measurement and that detection of oxygen might by imminent - but not yet ! not by computer modelling :(

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