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How much lower can Jupiter sink!


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I'm really struggling to get a decent glimpse of Jupiter now. Just have a narrow "window" in terms of time and space! (and there's a dastardly street light trying to get in on the act!). Jupiter literally whizzes across the sky almost horizontally until it drops below the roof line of houses opposite my little back yard!. Just stuck my Canon A570 digital on a tripod for this one (for illustration purposes only!).

I can't get my Skywatcher on the planet - even with the tripod legs fully extended!


(click to enlarge)

Don't like wishing time away (I've just turned 56 now!) but roll on next summer when I hope all the planets will be back with us.



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Emmigrate to Aus... it reaches the zenith down there! :sad2: . Hate to say it, but 2009 will suck, Jupiters altitude wont be that much better... and Saturn's rings are almost invisble!

Another thing I heard about is that when Mars' closest approach co-insides with opposition, it only ever occurs when its lowish on the horizon for Northern latitudes (ie Southern Sky locations get it nice n high). Something to do with the plane of Earth/Mars's orbits


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For me, it passes through the gap to the south early in the evening, and spends the rest of the evening sulking behind a very large red maple. It's about 9 degrees higher for me than for most of you, but when the ecliptic is low to the south, my view of it is carp.

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After my somewhat pessimistic comment earlier, I think I should add that Jupiter will be 7 degrees higher than this year (which makes it peek above my backgarden fence & foilage :D ). Every little helps. As for 2010... Jupiter will reach the celestial equator ... ROCK :)


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If the good Lord preserves us that long - 2010 onwards so plenty of time to save up for the C14 to get those killer images. Saturn will improve as well so the images will be coming thick and fast (or is that the clouds?). I also see that Jupiter and Uranus are very close together in October 2010 according to Starry Night so a good opportunity to bag the seventh planet as well.

Book your clear nights now to avoid disappointment. On past experience, should get one or two during the year, maybe even three or four!

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And I thought I was having a rough time observing Jupiter. You must have the record for Jupiter being so low there Brendant!

It's good to hear that it (Jupiter) is gradually climbing higher "Vega."

Better views in 2010! "geoff-k!" I hope the credit crunch hasn't got us all by then!


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