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A stroll around Gemini , Cancer, Lynx and Auriga


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I chose a poor night to capture some more faint targets in Gemini, Cancer, Lynx and Auriga. Seeing was ok but transparency was very poor, would like to try them again on a better night as there were some interesting targets in there. Despite the caption the scope is operating at around F4.3 I believe.

Jones Emberson 1, a large faint PN in Lynx. I think I got the mag 16.8 blue dwarf in the centre and also a galaxy which can be seen inside the ring at about 12.30 from the central star:



NGC 2419 in Lynx, the Intergalactic Wanderer:



NGC2535 (with spiral arms) & 2536 (at 4 o'clock) also known as Arp82 in Cancer:



NGC2339 in Gemini, some fainter galaxies can also be seen in the frame:



NGC1931 in Auriga. The nebula had a high dynamic range which blew out the centre stars (I believe this is sometimes referred to as the mini Orion Nebula) so I took some longer exposures in Ha for the red channel and some shorter exposures in normal colour for the blue and green channel. Quite a lot of effort for not much result, but at least the central stars can be seen!


Thanks for looking!


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Some very interesting captures of less usual objects Rob. Jones Emberson is a real tough one by the looks of things. I had to look twice because I thought I'd got a shot of it last year but I think it is a different PN called Jones 1 which has a very similar shape/size ... At least, I can't visually match the star field so it has to be a different PN.


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On 1/24/2018 at 10:28, Martin Meredith said:

Jones 1


On 1/24/2018 at 10:37, Doc said:

It's a different nebula Jones 1 is in Pegasus

Thanks for the kind words. Jones 1 sounds interesting, I'll add to the list.....for next year!

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