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Horse and Flame, HaRGB, Star 71 and 100D


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I got 42 X 3min RGB subs, iso 400, last night and added it to 90 mins of Ha I captured a couple of weeks ago. Thats 3.5 hrs total. Stacked in DSS and processed in PS. I like the look of this but the colour of the Flame has got lost in the combination somehow...

Edit, did a much better job by blending two versions, thus keeping the RGB stars... Should take more time!





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12 hours ago, carastro said:

Yes that's pretty good.  Did you process the RGB as a separate file first?  This should help to bring out the flame colour as a slightly different colour to the Curtain behind the HH.


Yes, I did. Theres something about adding Ha that messes the colours up a bit. I has another play (flattened image, boosted colours, altered flame a tad), not sure which one I like best!

Edit...I discovered that layering both methods of processing works better and have replaced the image in the first post!


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