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Looking for a 2" diagonal for my 80mm triplet - need help

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Hi! Looking for a 2" diagonal for my 80mm triplet. I'm mostly into imaging but I would like to add a diagonal to my telescope.

currently looking at the TS (GSO?) 2" 99% dielectric diagonal (TSZS2D) and the William Optics 2" 99% dielectric diagonal (D-DIG2D-C-DB)

I have no idea - what do you think? :)

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I'd say any performance gain you'd get from more expensive options will be marginal, if at all noticeable. My current mirror diagonals are more up-market, but that's mostly for peace of mind. :icon_biggrin: I had a 1.25" diagonal from TS - assumedly by GSO - it was faultless.

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I have bought four GSO dielectric diagonals, the one you think of, and three of its 1.25" little brothers. All are excellent, and rigourously equal between them in sharpness and brightness; I made long and careful comparos. My friends' Sky-Watcher mirrors were also pitted against the large GSO, no difference. Then some days ago I received a new 2" dielectric (sold under several brands, but always the same with blue anodized sideplates).

I made yet another side-by-side with the large GSO and found them exactly equal except the new one absorbs a little violet to improve the views in semi-apos. Your triplet is a full-apo so your choice should be the large full-spectrum GSO, or maybe a premium Sky-Watcher Mirror. The only William mirror I compared with the others has a bit less sharpness, but it's price tag was higher.

Almost every clone of an optical accessory that's sold under the William brand suddenly becomes more expensive.

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