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ngc 1499


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Hi everyone. I had a go at this unfiltered but had little success. Here we are with a cheepo CLS. A little better apart from the poor framing. The attention distracting bright star at the bottom is not easily healable-outable, so I just left it -anyone?. Dunno about the colour either but am tempted to leave it as it is. At least it's not yellow and blue! Any comments most gratefully received.

700d on 130 f5, 2h30 @ ISO800


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I like it, excellent colors. For some reason it looks like there are slightly egg shaped stars at the very edges top left and right.

Did you do star size reduction? It looks like there are some small dark halos around some of the smaller stars in the Nebula. I am having problems with this myself after star size reduction.. Haven't had the time to work on it yet.

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21 hours ago, jjosefsen said:

star size reduction

Hi. No, never. It's a sure way to make any image look unnatural, certainly when I do it! If the stars look bad, it's my bad masking before deconvolution. The nearest I've found is to heal the stars and merge a shorter exposure above. But life is short! Cheers and clear skies.

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51 minutes ago, alacant said:

Hi. No, never. It's a sure way to make any image look unnatural, certainly when I do it! If the stars look bad, it's my bad masking before deconvolution. The nearest I've found is to heal the stars and merge a shorter exposure above. But life is short! Cheers and clear skies.

I just found out what caused the ringing artifacts around some of the stars in my M42, lo and behold - just like you said, it is the deconvolution process, or more precisely my mask not protecting enough of the stars. :)

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2 minutes ago, jjosefsen said:

it is the deconvolution process, or more precisely my mask not protecting enough of the stars.

Ah, well done and thanks for testing. I'm using G'MIC RL under GIMP 2.9. Maybe the mask needs to grow to cover the star? And then say 1px more? Dunno. They call this the dark art. With the emphasis on art! Cheers.

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