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Motor Systems for Original Pulsar Domes


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I was recently in touch with Pulsar about the Rigel branded systems that they sold for the original style domes (i.e. not the current systems).  I was quite surprised to be told that they didn't have any information on them; neither did they seem to know who to ask about the old systems.  All that a bit worrying should a users' system break down.

Over the years I downloaded 4 sets of the instructions from their website for the rotation system, which showed a number of changes over time.  I've recently bought a second hand version of one that was fitted to the 2.2m dome of that period but it is slightly different again from what is shown in any of the instructions, having the simple control panel facing up when installed rather than inwards.  If anyone has the instructions for that version please let me know.

Pulsar also used to sell a shutter motor system for the old 2.7m dome, which had a two-part shutter.  I never downloaded any instructions but would now like to see what their approach was to motorising the shutter.  A copy of those instructions, or any images of one of those systems would be much appreciated.

Finally, if anyone can suggest a way of converting from the Pulsar/Rigel key fob system of slew control so as to replicate that remotely via a PC that would be useful. I did read that Pulsar had worked on a conversion but not sure for which variant of the Rigel system.

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I have what I think is a first gen pulsar dome.

Can we compare ? I have built a drive system for it that fits between the inner surfaces. It would be good to lay my suspicions to rest finally.

Distinguishing features 

2 part sliding shutter, lower part slides beneath upper. Stops on bumpers.

Rotates on wheels on dome edge

3 part dome, bolted at internal flanges

5 part wall sections bolted on internal flanges


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I note that on your website you describe your Pulsar Dome as 10 ft.  Pulsar called mine a 2.7m, so I think we are talking about the same diameter anyway.

Attached a copy of the installation instructions applicable to my model of dome.  In its day it was Pulsar's demonstrator.  I do have copies of the instructions for some later versions too.

The shutter on yours sounds the same but not the rest.  Externally the shutter on mine, according to Pulsar is 780mm wide, I've never actually measured it.

My walls are 4 part not 5, the dome 4 not 3, but all bolted at internal flanges.

The rollers are concave rather than flat edged, are bolted to the rotating dome, and run on what is essentially a ring of galvanised steel tubing attached to the walls. 

Because, without modification, the lower edge of the dome is outside of the upper most part of the dome walls the motor has to be attached to the rotating dome.  The original Rigel system for that gets over the power problem by means of a 12V, solar panel recharged, battery.  It sits within the same metal frame that contains the circuitry, control panel, socket for recharging and is the mounting for the motor.  Alignment of OTA to shutter opening is not exact, the dome simply rotates step wise at an adjustable rate. A keyfob and receiver are supplied for slewing.  If you are interested I can post copies of the 4 different versions of the rotation system installation instructions, all for the old style domes. 

What I don't have is the installation documents for the Rigel shutter systems that work a two-part shutter.  All I've been able to find is close up images, taken by Pulsa,rwhich in particular, show no detail of how opening and closing of the lower part of the shutter is achieved.



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