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ASI1600MM Pro (As opposed to the Cool)


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Has anyone received or is about to receive (as I am) a ASI1600MM Pro?

Would be interested on any feedback.

I have been using CCDs for a few years (Atik 4000), but this is my first foray into the CMOS world.

I'm mostly a long exposure 3nm Ha kind of a guy (20 or 30 minute exposures is my norm) so I was interested in the Pro version of this camera dealing with the Amp Glow issue.

I'm going to be using mine in a Dual rig, with the Atik 4000 doing OIII (3nm) and the ASI1600MM Pro doing the Ha 3nm.

Anyway - I thought it might be useful to have a separate thread for this camera, as the ASI1600MM Cool already has a huge thread, and they are different cameras.



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They are supposed to be the same cameras - the only difference being a memory buffer intended to reduce amp glow when using USB2 rather than USB3.  At least that seems to be the only difference (except price).

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