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Imaging the moon


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Hi all, 

What would be the best way for me to image the moon. 

I have a c8 and I would like to know what would be the easiest set up to start with? 

A suitable camera I've looked at zwo but wondered how processing worked on these. 



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To get the best results would entail taking a video of the Moon using a high frame rate planetary camera like a ZWO ASI. You then stack the resultant AVI/SER in the free software AS!3. This gives you an output file that you can put into Registax (again free) to make adjustments using wavelets, colour etc.

Check the field of view that you would get using Astronomy Tools (under the resources Tab at the top of the page) for the various cameras and your scope.


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I am still improving my methods of imaging the moon. I capture video of small sections, using a DSLR in movie crop mode (640x480) @ 60fps. I process the videos in pipp and then Registax to make good quality images and then stitch them together to make a mosaic. This quit a lot of work but you do get familiar with the lunar surface in the process!

Others take many single photos (using the whole sensor) which covers large areas of the moon and then process them in Registax. I found this crashes my computer when I tried to I stick to the video mode.


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