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Sensor tilt star shapes help please


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Well following lots of testing last night with short subs and rotating the camera etc. it looks like the camera anti-blooming and tilt is now fully eliminated and the issue is looking more and more like the new OTA.  Pretty disappointing really, but there you go, seems to be my luck.

Have emailed @FLO for advice so just need to wait now as no point imaging with it.

Could always go back to golf, was far less frustrating.

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1 minute ago, RayD said:

Have emailed @FLO for advice so just need to wait now as no point imaging with it.

Was responding to your email but noticed your response here at SGL then realised who you are, that we are discussing the same telescope.

I will finish the email then click send, you should receive it in a minute or so :smile: 

5 minutes ago, RayD said:

Could always go back to golf, was far less frustrating.

Golf probably is easier than astrophotography, particularly when using a fast scope :unsure:



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1 minute ago, FLO said:

Was responding to your email but noticed your response here at SGL then realised who you are, that we are discussing the same telescope.

I will finish the email then click send, you should receive it in a minute or so :smile: 

Golf probably is easier than astrophotography, particularly when using a fast scope :unsure:



Ok thanks Steve will wait for your email.

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Having carried out lots of checks, even using different cameras, with the same results, FLO very kindly offered to collect the OTA and send it back to Es Reid for checking again.  Having spoken with Es last night (very nice and extremely knowledgeable chap by the way) he confirmed there is indeed an issue with the OTA, which if I'm honest is a kind of relief as I'd exhausted every other possible cause.  It seems that, perhaps during transport, some screws on the objective had become loose allowing one of the elements to shift.  This is highly possible and makes sense as the screws on the rotator were also very loose as noted earlier.

Es has spent a few hours on it and believes he can get it back in to shape again with a bit more time having now diagnosed the problem.  In all, hopefully (fingers crossed and will see when it comes back), a happy ending :thumbright:

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