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Soul HaRGB, bit more RGB and a reprocess.


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I'm done with this now! (honest...). I've added a bit more RGB, selected the best 66% and created a new RGB image (3.2 hrs RGB). Added to 5 hrs Ha and followed the instructions and ended up with a nicer rendition of the Soul. It's still noisy but considering the conditions the data was collected in, I can't complain...

Here is the original thread for comparison. 



And here is the new version... 





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8 hours ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

very nice result. The increased saturation of the second image does increase the colour noise in the background a bit (inevitable trade-off, really)

Thanks...I suppose if I had a cooled CCD and invested a lot more dosh I could get cleaner imaging, but when I think about it, it still astounds me that images like this are possible with a DSLR with a filter removed. I sometimes forget this when I get zoned in and frustrated whilst trying to produce better images. It really is remarkable what can be captured from the heavens without the benefit of Hubble and Millions of pounds/euros! (not that it's cheap...).

After the edits, I am definitely putting this one to bed... (where have I heard that before...) :icon_biggrin:

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