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Light Pollution Wirral

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Hey Guys, been a while since I posted, not observed in a long time. Winters closing in, so its time to get back to it.

I have recently moved from Liverpool over to the Wirral, where I now have a really good garden to observe when I can.

I have noticed a slight improvement with regards to light pollution, it is still really bad but a slight improvement is better than nothing.

My question is - would I benefit from using a light pollution filter when doing visual observations, are there any other methods that would help

cut through the pollution or am I fighting a losing battle.


Thanks James

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No Light pollution filter can really beat a truly dark sky, but a broad band filter like a CLS or Celestron UHC/LPR can help since our eye react to the faint nebulae or galaxies more as contrast, so those filter can increase the contrast between the object and space blackness at the expense of slightly dimming the object.

If observing nebulae, than a UHC fro Lumicon or Astronomik does help a lot, but these filters are no good on galaxies.

My backyard skies are not perfect but they are OK, and as a work around when observing DSO I drag my scope to a corner of the yard that is in shadow from all light sources. As a result I had some great views through the Dob... see if you can find or create a dark spot on your property, this will greatly help with your observations, especially if you can isolate your self from all light sources and give you eye to night adapt.

Another idea is to get a eye patch, the pirate like one, and keep your observing eye covered until you're about to look through the eye piece. Off the eye piece protect that night adaptation like its your life.

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