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Imaging challenges section.


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I believe that if you log onto the section (eg #6 Narrowband DSO) the first post in the thread are the 'rules' for that particular challenge.  I just had a quick look after reading this thread - and then I submitted a couple of images.  I assume you can submit as many as you like?  Please let me know if I have made a mistake....

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1 hour ago, DaveS said:

Oh dear, Olly and Gnomus. All we need now is Sara and the rest of us might as well go home.:( :evil4: :grin:.

Not me. I'd love to see a shoot out between the three (plus some more). For me, I just wonder how wide NB filters are allowed to be. Having made the step from DSLR to LRGB, does 100 nm count as narrow band? :grin:

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