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SLT mount to equatorial


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Hey guys,

I have Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT Mak and this summer I really got into astrophoto. The tracking is not that precise though which allows me to do only about 30s subs. I was thinking about getting Equatorial mount which I could guide with a cam (I have ZWO ASI178MC) but it is way out of my budget, atleast for now. So I started searching and I did find a lot of tutorials on how to make an equatorial wedge. The problem is that I couln't find if I can hook up my cam to my SLT mount and to my laptop and guide it with it. Do you thing that it is possible or not?


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The tracking is probably fine what your mount does is move in tiny left right up down movements which does not follow the earth's rotation even if the object stays in the FOV. You might like to read the No EQ DSO Challenge thread. If you just mount your camera with camera lens you might be surprised at what you can get. Depending where you point in the sky you can get more than 30 seconds exposure length. Take many an stack.

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