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Storing telescope through winter

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Just wondering if somebody can give me some advice, i have bought an 8inch dob it's to big for room in the house.

So i have put it in the shed , what happens through the winter months is there anything i need to do or will the telescope be ok stored this way.

The shed has been coverd inside with plaster board to make it slightly warmer.

Any views welcome .

Regards ian

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After a while, you get to like the cold. I usually don't observe if it's below -10, but I've been out in colder weather. Until I turned 50, I used to camp out in winter one or two weekends a year, at temperatures from +5 to -35. Temperatures of -10 or so are best for camping, because it's easier to stay dry.

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Surely you be using it thru the winter, with the clear, cold nights?

You won't need to worry too much in that case, as you'll be using it fairly often. The plus side is that the shed will be closer to the ambient outside temperature, so shorter cool down times! Yay!

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There is really no cool-down time, as the temp inside the shed is the same as outside. We don't get very many clear, cold nights as it is so often cloudy in winter. The clear nights we do get are often affected by bad seeing, although the transparency is sometimes amazing. Also, there's a limit to how much fun you can stand when it's -20. As I do primarily lunar observing, I like the spring months, when the ecliptic is high in the first half of the lunation. This spring, cloud ruined a lot of the observing, though.

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I store mine uncovered in the shed which i've insulated but only with that poly stuff, not the real deal. No ill effects at all :clouds2: . I wouldn't over protect it as winter is probably the time when your getting it out most. As this thread seems to show, these scopes are tough cookies when it comes to the cold.

I feel there's more danger in the summer when sheds are more likely to sweat which could cause droplets to form then dry on the primary mirror. To avoid this you can put vents in the shed or get one of those dessicant containers. Its amazing how much water those things suck in.


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Thanks for all your posts, i have an 8 inch skywatcher dob so with it being a bit on the bulky side i decided to leave it in the shed .

That has now cleared my mind makes life easier, some places do get very cold and we moan at -2 temp.

But i guess here it always rains. lol

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Get a good weather proff cover such as a tele gizmos and keep that on it, it will help prevent any temperature changes causing condendsation while at the same time keeping the creepy crawlies off

Best wishes


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