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Skip Diving - Flat Panel For Flat Fielding.


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I am a bit of a skip rat (only decent stuff), and found an unused LED ceiling light which looked like it had a decent diffuser so decided to see if I could get it working.

It came with a 220V to 45V 380mA power supply, and needed it powered from 12V or less. Luckily in my bits box I had a spare small Boost converter (£0.99p from eBay) that I got for another project. It will boost from approximately 4V-12V to over 38V so gave it a try and it is fine. I don't need it too bright of course. The little white box holding the boost converter was also rescued from the skip :wink2:

So not a bad result for £0.99.

Diameter is 200mm, more than enough for all my lenses. I will give it a thorough workout shortly.







It came with this:


However it is now powered from 12V via one of these:



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Nice, have to admit I had tons of stuff out of our skip (Aerospace company) and the nice HR people along with the test engineering department head (Me) came up with a nice form so the stuff could be taken legally off site.


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