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S283 Planetary Science


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Rosanella - Pure AND applied maths, now THAT's dedication! I'm looking to get away with 121, and 209, and avoid pure maths like the disease riddled leper that it is! :) But need to do 121 first(in progress), then S207 next October, before doing MST209. :clouds2:


It is part dedication and part the fact that I really want to understand what goes on behind the scenes of Science, which is driven by a good dose of imaginative thinking which is then all explained with mathematical jargon.

I thought of diving straight into Physics (that's the S207 course) soon after the pure Maths course MS221, but given the effort that I'm putting into this 30 points course, I don't want to go into something that is quite demanding like Physics, without a good grasp of what drives all the formulas that are there to explain the many theories we often hear about.

I can already see myself needing to get on a coach trip often, when gigs and buskin cannot be done :) I'm already clocking a few hours of buskin weekly, in between my tutorials that take place in Camden Town. After all, after a 3-4 hours Maths tutorial at the regional center, I'm more than ready to chill out buskin just down the road :lol: All I need now, it is a few more clear skies or, at least, rain-free days :p

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All this chat about qualifications has piqued my interest..

Had a look at the OU BSc Physics course and it seems quite good. Though I might start plugging away at some modules. Studied with the OU in the past and I can't really fault it.

Now, I dunno if I will see it through all the way (early days yet as I've only just requested a prospectus), but I though that it would be good to structure the study so that it matches the BSc(hons) requirements.

Basically, 70 points from the first section of modules is rather a lot. MST121 is a good 30 points, and S194 Astronomy is another good safe 10. Getting the other 30 might be a pain though. Was looking at MU120, but to be honest I think my maths is good enough (I already have a BSc in Electrical Engineering and Electronics and I have worked as an Engineer for the last 15 years). The other subjects look a bit lightweight, and studying to get points rather than enjoyment might spoil things.

I guess the benefit of the OU is that you can mix and match the really interesting stuff with the more mundane to keep the enthusiasm up.

To be honest, I am quite looking forwards to the maths content. I struggledwith some aspects of it at University and would really love to put my fear of maths to bed once and for all.


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