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Hi all,

I have posed a similar question previously and am now suffering with indecision.  A brief on my setup to start, I have a C11 with a 6.3 FR attached in an Obsy mounted on a permanent pier in EQ mode (Skywatcher AZ-EQ6-GT), I also have the Starsense for easy alignment.  All is setup to work remotely in my adjoining warm room via a laptop which controls everything.  

I wish to get involved with "live viewing" and have read countless articles and watched numerous videos regarding two cameras that appeal to me, mainly due to their apparent ease of use and quality, the two cameras that I am trying to choose between are the Atik Infinity and the Ultrastar C.  Can anyone give some examples of their results with a similar setup to mine that could help me make a decision?  It seems that the software with the Ultrastar C offers more possibilities than the Infinity and whilst I am all for an easy life, a little more control on the live images does sound useful.

If anyone has some pictures of their results with either camera with a similar equipment list as mine I would certainly appreciate it, I understand that for really good results there are folks using the Hyperstar but I cannot afford to run to that sort of outlay on top of the camera, so my setup is what I have to work with.




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I use the Ultrastar C for outreach almost exclusively now on our CPC1100HD and with Paul Shears brilliant Starlight Live software.  We really like using the scope at F5 and you can see many of our F5 captures at this SGL link.

We will be broadcasting on Nightskiesnetwork.com tonight if you are interested is seeing us live.  Our Channel is White Mountain Skies.  We should be on by 8:00pm HST.


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Having just bought an Ultrastar second hand, I'm impressed by the images posted by HiloDon. Can anyone recommend (to a complete newbie to live viewing) a technique for limiting the blowing out of the central core of galaxies, whilst retaining the detail of the spiral arms? The main scope I'd be using would be my f4 10" Meade SN10 on my EQ6 Pro mount. 

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2 hours ago, memoryman said:

Having just bought an Ultrastar second hand, I'm impressed by the images posted by HiloDon. Can anyone recommend (to a complete newbie to live viewing) a technique for limiting the blowing out of the central core of galaxies, whilst retaining the detail of the spiral arms? The main scope I'd be using would be my f4 10" Meade SN10 on my EQ6 Pro mount. 

Starlight Live has a function specially designed for limiting blow out.  It's the non linear function in the channel selection section of Display Processing.  Linear is the default and there are two non linear functions that will do what you want.  I find the x^0.25 function the best.  It takes a bit of learning on adjusting the other image controls with it, but it will help with the blow out.

Just PM me or post here if you need more help.


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8 hours ago, HiloDon said:

Starlight Live has a function specially designed for limiting blow out.  It's the non linear function in the channel selection section of Display Processing.  Linear is the default and there are two non linear functions that will do what you want.  I find the x^0.25 function the best.  It takes a bit of learning on adjusting the other image controls with it, but it will help with the blow out.

Just PM me or post here if you need more help.


Thanks Don?

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In SharpCap you need to adjust the gamma in the Live Stacking histogram panel. Dragging it down will brighten the faint stuff relative to the bright stuff.



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