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Eq3 pro stalling at high slew speeds


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Hi all, long time no post. I've recently picked up a skywatcher 150P on EQ3 pro mount with synscan goto. All seems to work spot on at slew speeds up to 6 but if I go faster, such as during star alignment the motors starts for a moment before just stopping, the controller then freezes before initialising again. 


If if I skip alignment and manually control the mount at slew up to 6 it runs absolutely fine! 


Ive got a couple of theory's,

first firmware could be bad although I don't see why this would only affect higher speeds?

Second, could a motor need adjusting? Is there any gear alignment necessary or even possible on these mounts?

thirdly, I'm running the mount from a 9v mains adaptor, is this too low a voltage? The mount also came with a 15v adaptor but I'm cautious of overloading it. 

Fourth, and hopefully not, it's a dud. 


Has anyone had this before and what's the answer?





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I suspect it is a power problem of some kind, perhaps the supply is not capable of proving sufficient current at the higher speeds. Have you checked its spec against the recommended power source?

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Thanks stu, the more I read up the more I suspect that too. I'll have to pick up a better power supply to try out. The only info I can find is 9-12v but a lot of people have recommended a 13.8v 5A one instead...


more reading needed!

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Good news! I've just tried a 12v 2A PSU from a satellite box and the mount worked perfectly, so be it indoor away from the rain! I've got a spare 2.5A PSU so I'll be using that. 


Cheers for the help, now bring on some clear skies please!

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