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C 9.25 XLT, for DSLR Imaging of small DSO's + lunar.

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Hi All,

I have just purchased a Megrez72 and iv'e seen a C9.25 xlt for sale, this will hopefully complete my scope kit.

Before i say i'll take it could someone please tell me what i need to take account to use the scope with my DSLR for small DSO's and lunar imaging.

I have heard about the Celestron f6.3 reducer but having only used fracs before that is about all i know.

Is there much else i will need to buy? does the tube need flocking, can i easily fit my SW 9x50 guider? basically everything and anything i need to know before i part with my hard earned and regret it......again.

Many thanks in advance.


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I have used my C9.25 for DSO imaging with a 9x50 finder/guider. I found that I had to keep the exposure times fairly short to avoid startrails. I think that you really need an OAG for long exposures. This was taken using that set up.



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Now i'm lost lol, PA is always dead accurate according to ASPA, all zero's across the board and with the lacerta orthogonality always at a minimum of 98% i'm struggling to see why i cant use my conventional guiding set up.

I understand that even with the f6.3 reducer i will still be at an FL in excess of 1600mm but 20-30mins subs with my 952mm ES127 frac were a breeze, am i missing something? 

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Firstly, if you are checking the PA with ASPA make sure that you do a new alignment first, otherwise it will always say 00.00.00 and is meaningless. Check it with PHDLab.

Using a 9x50 finder guider is meant to be for up to 1000mm. Conventional wisdom says that you use an OAG with a big SCT but I have shown that it can be done at short(ish) exposures. There is a big difference between 952mm and 1600mm. I PA with Polemaster.

Perhaps someone who uses a Lacerta could offer an opinion.


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Yep, after i have polar aligned with the polarscope i will then do ASPA if i'm going to be doing seriously long exposures, anything 5mins or under with < 1000mm the CGEM can handle without guiding so my PA must be pretty good.

I see what you mean re 9 x 50, if thats the only reason then that's no problem i can attach the lacerta cam to the megrez72, i assume i can then piggy that with the addition of tube rings and dovetail for the 9.25? 


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