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Some attempts at the moon

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Hi all:

Since it was a clear night and the first go I'd had at imaging for ages, I thought I'd share a few attempts (Mare Crisium; Mare Nectaris with Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina; and Posidonius [which also sneaks into the first image]).

Shot with an Opticstar PX125C and Skymax 150.

My first attempts, and first images posted on here as anything other than a cry for help. Any feedback or tips for improvement most welcome.





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Great images Billy and the focus is spot on. The only thing I would say is they are a bit on the red side. You could either convert them to greyscale (desaturate) or adjust the RGB sliders to neutralise the colours on the camera software. Have you tried imaging around the terminator area yet? You should get great images with that and maybe create a mosaic of images and stich them together.


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