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PHD Guiding info in FITS header and PI Subframe Selector


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A couple of days ago I posted about the FWHM in my images and trying to work out why they had changed over time. I combined the data from the PixInsight Subframe Selector script and manually extracted the guiding error information from the PHD guide Log. This was quite interesting to do, but it was a lot of manual work. So in true geek style - if a thing is worth doing, it is worth automating - I wrote a PixInsight script to put the PHD guiding information into the FITS headers of the image files, and then modified the Subframe Selector script to use the guiding information in the header. And as I had the hood open, I figured, why stop at the RMS and Peak errors, put as much guiding information in as possible...


There may be a "correct" way of putting the guide information into the FITS Header, but I could not find any information about guiding and FITS. Of course I will have to wait for a clear night to try it out in anger as I realised that the clock on the Camera was an hour and a half out, so the image time stamps and the guide log entries do not match up at all ;) 

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