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Greetings Astronomers,

After a long time of any combination of clouds, moon shine or work, I finally had a clear moonless night to myself... Something I was not going to let pass me by, and lucky that I didn't because it's back to partially cloudy tonight.

In the past I was planning to image the area around the Tarantula nebula and the large Megallanic Cloud and tonight was my chance.

I was hoping for a night of RGB, HAlpha, OIII and SII but so far all I captured was 4.5 hours of 7.5min and 3 min subs at ISO400 using my modded 40D of IRCut OSC before cloudy nights resumed.

I figured that I might not get a chance to capture any narrowband to mix into it so I processed what I have and thought it was worth sharing.

Thanks for looking.



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Lovely image.  NGC 2070 is one of my favourite DSOs to observe visually.  It almost feels like the the legs of the Tarantula are reaching out through the eyepiece to grab the observer.  It becomes even more spectacular sight when one considers it is almost the equal of M42 visually but is 1000x further away!

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/22/2017 at 02:05, DirkSteele said:

Lovely image.  NGC 2070 is one of my favourite DSOs to observe visually.  It almost feels like the the legs of the Tarantula are reaching out through the eyepiece to grab the observer.  It becomes even more spectacular sight when one considers it is almost the equal of M42 visually but is 1000x further away!

I agree, it truly is a amazing object in a dark sky. The amount of detail I saw in my 14" Dob was almost like a black and white photo... but alive, slight twinkle here and there... awesome.


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