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NexImage 5 display

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Hi, I've just got a NexImage 5 imager.

I have loaded it up as requested but when I open up the iCap 2.3 software the icons and screen resolution are all off.

My laptop is a Dell xps13 with more than enough of the system requirements to run the software.

All my other window's programmes are OK, only this one I have an issue with.

A screen grab below show's the size i'm working with. One box on the right is OK but the main is too small to work with.

Another one show's one windows OK but the iCap one unworkable.

Any help will be very much appreciated.


iCap 2.3.PNG

Capture 2.PNG

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It is not entirely clear from your images and description what the problem is. Such 'Windows' look quite normal to me. here are a few quick thoughts;

Have you tried resizing the I-Cap window by clicking on the square box (top right by the X)?  That would normally make the APP itself full screen size.

Or is your problem related to 'View' and 'Window' commands (in I-Cap) where you can set different 'view' and 'toolbars 'within I-Cap?

A third possibility; if you are set to 640 x 480 pixels you will get a smaller (inner) window than with other image sizes.

I-Cap should run fine with any Windows PC (including Win 10). So I reckon it must be a command that you have not yet worked out. Frankly, the I-Cap manual isn't brilliant. I suggest you go to U-Tube and look at the excellent videos posted there for both I-Cap and Registax.


Another more likely thought (having read your post again); lots of I-Cap commands are not initially present as they are on individual toolbars. You need to visit the primary menu bar and add the specific toolbars that you require (e.g. Record etc.). This confused me so much I just added all! The manual wrongly suggests they are there on first boot up, but you instead have to add them.

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