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Rosette Nebula Problems


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Last night I imaged two hours on the Rosette Nebula. I can't seem to process it right. Whenever I  process it so that faint details show up the small structure in the middle gets blurred. I just can't seem to get it just right. If anyone could take a look at this stacked file and try it out that would be great! Thanks in advance!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/f89p8klhfcr906w/Rosette Nebula - Stack.tiff?dl=0


Rosette Nebula - Final .png

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5 hours ago, Adam J said:

Not a bad effort at all. You probably just need a little more data for the faint stuff? But its hard to say as you have not given many details of the acquisition.

Your version that you took is exactly what I'm trying to get! You have a great blend of faint detail visible and structure visible. 

Mine was 73 x 120s + flats

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15 hours ago, Herzy said:

Your version that you took is exactly what I'm trying to get! You have a great blend of faint detail visible and structure visible. 

Mine was 73 x 120s + flats

My attempt is narrow band so it will be hard to replicate without using narrow band filters, they tend to give much more contrasty images that you get with RGB even at a dark site. Also I used 600 seond subs, that helps too.

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